Cornerstone Health Care Institution LLC


931 N Jefferson St NE

CNA medical abbreviations

Top 100 CNA medical abbreviations : YOU MUST KNOW

Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) is an exciting journey, but it involves learning a new language of medical abbreviations and terminology.

As you embark on your CNA career, mastering these abbreviations is crucial for effective communication and providing the best care to patients.

This comprehensive list will help you navigate the world of CNA medical abbreviations with ease.

Understanding CNA Medical Abbreviations

Medical abbreviations are commonly used in healthcare settings to save time and ensure clarity in communication.

As a CNA, you’ll encounter these abbreviations in medical records, patient charts, and healthcare discussions.

Familiarizing yourself with them is essential.

CNA medical abbreviations

100 Essential CNA Medical Abbreviations

ADLActivities of Daily Living
AEDAutomated External Defibrillator
AIDSAcquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
AMIAcute Myocardial Infarction
BIDTwice a Day
BLSBasic Life Support
BMIBody Mass Index
BPBlood Pressure
BPHBenign Prostatic Hyperplasia
BRPBathroom Privileges
CADCoronary Artery Disease
CBCComplete Blood Count
CCChief Complaint
CCUCoronary Care Unit
CDCCenters for Disease Control
CHFCongestive Heart Failure
COPDChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
CPRCardiopulmonary Resuscitation
CVACerebrovascular Accident
DNRDo Not Resuscitate
EDEmergency Department
ENTEar, Nose, and Throat
ESRDEnd-Stage Renal Disease
FBSFasting Blood Sugar
H&PHistory and Physical
HIVHuman Immunodeficiency Virus
ICUIntensive Care Unit
I&DIncision and Drainage
I&OIntake and Output
LMPLast Menstrual Period
LOCLevel of Consciousness
MIMyocardial Infarction
MRIMagnetic Resonance Imaging
NPONothing by Mouth
OTOccupational Therapy
PPEPersonal Protective Equipment
PRNAs Needed
PTPhysical Therapy
PVDPeripheral Vascular Disease
QDEvery Day
RBCRed Blood Cell
ROMRange of Motion
RRRespiratory Rate
SOBShortness of Breath
STDSexually Transmitted Disease
TIATransient Ischemic Attack
URIUpper Respiratory Infection
UTIUrinary Tract Infection
VREVancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus
WBCWhite Blood Cell
ADHDAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
ALSAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
A fibAtrial Fibrillation
BIDBis in die (Twice a Day)
CCChief Complaint
CVACerebrovascular Accident
DNRDo Not Resuscitate
GERDGastroesophageal Reflux Disease
HBVHepatitis B Virus
HCVHepatitis C Virus
IBSIrritable Bowel Syndrome
MRSAMethicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
MSMultiple Sclerosis
PTSDPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder
RARheumatoid Arthritis
SLESystemic Lupus Erythematosus
TURPTransurethral Resection of the Prostate
URIUpper Respiratory Infection
UTIUrinary Tract Infection
VREVancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus
WBCWhite Blood Cell
XRTRadiation Therapy
STDSexually Transmitted Disease
AIDSAcquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
ESRDEnd-Stage Renal Disease
COPDChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
NPONothing by Mouth
EMRElectronic Medical Record
EHRElectronic Health Record
HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
INRInternational Normalized Ratio
OSLeft Eye
OUBoth Eyes
ODRight Eye
A fibAtrial Fibrillation
qidFour Times a Day
TIDThree Times a Day
BIDTwice a Day
HxMedical History
FHxFamily History
ROSReview of Systems
N/ANot Applicable
SLSublingual (Under the Tongue)
POBy Mouth
PRPer Rectum (By Rectum)
SQSubcutaneous (Under the Skin)
qhEvery Hour
qodEvery Other Day
I&OIntake and Output
CVACerebrovascular Accident
H&PHistory and Physical
LMPLast Menstrual Period
NPONothing by Mouth
PRNAs Needed
SOAPSubjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan
WNLWithin Normal Limits
TPRTemperature, Pulse, Respiration
NVDNausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea
WBCWhite Blood Cell
RBCRed Blood Cell
HRHeart Rate
BPBlood Pressure
RRRespiratory Rate
Please note that this list is for reference and educational purposes. Always consult medical professionals for accurate and specific information related to these abbreviations in a clinical setting.

1. CNA – Certified Nursing Assistant

2. RN – Registered Nurse

  • Highly trained nurses responsible for patient care.

3. LPNLicensed Practical Nurse

  • Nurses with specialized training in practical nursing.

4. MSN – Master of Science in Nursing

  • An advanced degree for specialized nursing roles.

5. BSN – Bachelor of Science in Nursing

6. DNP – Doctor of Nursing Practice

  • A terminal degree for advanced practice nursing.

7. H&P – History and Physical

  • A medical record that includes a patient’s history and physical examination.

8. CPR – Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

  • Life-saving techniques for individuals in cardiac distress.

9. ADL – Activities of Daily Living

  • Basic self-care tasks, such as bathing and eating.

10. CBC – Complete Blood Count

  • A blood test to assess overall health and detect disorders.

11. POA – Power of Attorney

  • Legal authorization for someone to make healthcare decisions.

12. ROM – Range of Motion

  • The extent to which a joint can move.

13. HIPAA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

  • Regulations ensuring patient data privacy.

14. PPE – Personal Protective Equipment

  • Protective gear to prevent disease transmission.

15. SOAP – Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan

  • A framework for medical notes and patient assessments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Why are medical abbreviations important for CNAs?

A: Medical abbreviations ensure efficient communication and accurate documentation, benefiting both patients and healthcare providers.

Q2: Do I need to memorize all medical abbreviations as a CNA?

A: While you should be familiar with common abbreviations, you can reference reference guides and electronic health records as needed.

Q3: Where can I find more information on medical abbreviations for CNAs?

A: You can access comprehensive resources through healthcare textbooks, online medical dictionaries, and your workplace’s training materials.

Q4: Are there any safety concerns related to medical abbreviations?

A: Yes, misinterpreting or misunderstanding abbreviations can lead to errors in patient care. Always seek clarification if you encounter an unfamiliar abbreviation.

Q5: Can CNAs use abbreviations in medical documentation?

A: CNAs should use approved abbreviations following facility and state regulations. It’s important to ensure that the intended meaning is clear.

Abbreviating UP

As a Certified Nursing Assistant, you’re embarking on a career dedicated to patient care and well-being.

Understanding medical abbreviations is an integral part of your role, enabling effective communication and collaboration with other healthcare professionals.

This list is your starting point, but continued learning and experience will further enhance your proficiency in CNA medical abbreviations.

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